In January 2020 Senate Bill 323 (SB 323), which drastically changes the HOA election process, went into effect.
We understand SB 323 has created much concern and confusion from homeowners associations across the state. We want to assure you that we will be able to walk you through the Election process under SB323.
One of the provisions of SB 323 is that Associations cannot use a company they are otherwise contracted with to act as the Inspector of Elections.
SB 323 requires a longer time frame for the election process, including a new step to notify owners 30 days before ballots are mailed of the deadline for returning ballots, the address to which they must be returned, the date, time and location of the meeting and the list of candidates.
NLB Consulting offers a wide-array of comprehensive services to help keep you on track and in compliance.
We know the changes implemented by SB 323 can be confusing, but we're here to help. Contact us today.